Tagline Wizard

Created by team Tagline Coders on July 06, 2023

We have developed this web based application for people create their taglines for business without hiring a tagline writer. This application contains almost every business related taglines. The user have to enter the business name and press the generate button on the application and within few second it will generate the required taglines for the business. User can pick any of the tagline and save it for use. User can also delete the saved taglines. Our application is suitable for small business and brands which cannot afford hiring tagline writers for writing taglines or slogans. It is also helpful for students for getting basic taglines for their projects.

Category tags:

"great idea, but demo did not work. this app has high business value but has many competitiors. upgrade your idea to stand out"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"Great work, team! The execution by Tagline was truly remarkable. Your project showcased excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. Congratulations on a job well done!"


Paulo Almeida

co-founder of Stunning Green

"Nice work! Would have loved to see a presentation tackling the market fit and exploring your solution and the problem that lead to it. Other than that, great work and keep on developing your project to make it stand out more!"


Skander Karoui

Data Science and AI enthusiast || ICT Engineer