One of the most groundbreaking features of large language models are their ability use code to accomplish task. This is a library that leverages Open Interpreter to create and use scripts (tools) for solving problems. The scripts generated are designed to be reused and expanded upon. In addition, each script is well documented for agents to be able to determine if that script can provide the user with the desired answer or accomplish the desired goal. Being able to save code for feature use help minimize the cost of generating code for common task. It also allows for more robust scripts to be able to achieve more. Furthermore, the human, if so desired, can work with the agent to improve or build upon existing tools to account for the agent's shortcomings. Now any user can have an AI generated code base with code that works for their personal machine.
Category tags:Isayah Culbertson
Python Developer
sourabh singh
Team member not visible
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"Great work Isayah. Such a simple implementation that gets 80% of the way towards what I think is the most highly requested OI feature. Brilliantly done."
Killian Lucas
Lead Developer