Event ended

Llama 3 Hackathon Summary

Llama 3 Hackathon image

Hackathon Overview

Our AI hackathon brought together a diverse group of participants, who collaborated to develop a variety of impressive projects based on:






AI Applications

Winners and Finalists

  • We are in the process of selecting the finalist teams.
  • Your voice matters! Vote on your favorite projects in the section below.
  • Join us for the winner announcement stream, which will be streamed live on Twitch.

Speakers, Mentors, and Organizers

Basem Awad profile picture

Basem Awad

Program Manager

Gary NN profile picture

Gary NN

    Damian PawΕ‚owski profile picture

    Damian PawΕ‚owski

    Business Development

    Dina Shall profile picture

    Dina Shall

    Community Manager

    null null profile picture


      Daniel Duccik profile picture

      Daniel Duccik


      Theodoros Ampas profile picture

      Theodoros Ampas

      Technical Mentor

      Walaa Nasr Elghitany profile picture

      Walaa Nasr Elghitany

      Lablab Head Judge

      Muhammad Inaamullah profile picture

      Muhammad Inaamullah

      ML Engineer

      Donald Nwokoro profile picture

      Donald Nwokoro

      Backend Developer

      Dimitrije Pesic profile picture

      Dimitrije Pesic


      Maksym Wolff profile picture

      Maksym Wolff

      Master Streamer

        Justyna Amelia Kotlow profile picture

        Justyna Amelia Kotlow

        Growth Team

          Laurie Voss profile picture

          Laurie Voss

          VP of Developer Relations

            Stephen Batifol profile picture

            Stephen Batifol

            Developer Advocate

              Jens Ingelsted profile picture

              Jens Ingelsted

              Global Head of AI Accelerators

                Hassan El Mghari profile picture

                Hassan El Mghari

                Sr Manager Developer Relations

                  Simon Olson profile picture

                  Simon Olson


                  This event has now ended, but you can still register for upcoming events on lablab.ai. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

                  Checkout Upcoming Events β†’

                  Submitted Concepts, Prototypes and Pitches

                  Submissions from the teams participating in the Llama 3 Hackathon event and making it to the end πŸ‘Š

                  Help to spread the word and share these amazing projects!

                  application badge

                  Sum AI

                  Welcome to sum.io, the AI-powered meeting summarization tool that's revolutionizing how teams communicate and collaborate.

                  R Stack

                  Together AILlama 3
                  application badge


                  Developed a system to process student queries and classify them into one or more categories: scheduler, wellness, diet, and note maker. Based on the classification, the system generates a tailored prompt for each category.


                  Together AILlamaIndexstreamlit

                  AI news-Anylazer

                  AI news Analyzer where you can upload an artice and recognize the text. We created two agents news editor and news analyst. Analyze news and articles and get important insights and retrieve relevant information.



                  Personify AI Chat Evaluator and Assistant

                  Personify AI Chatting Evaluator and Assistant boosts WhatsApp and LinkedIn chats with real-time message suggestions and engagement scores.


                  Llama 3


                  AI Powered Visual Novel Generator with music, images, audio and captivating dialogues and narration. Utilizes Llama3, Stable Diffusion, LangChain, OpenJourney and Together.ai.


                  LangChainLlama 3OpenAI

                  paAI Your Personal Assistant

                  pa.ai: Personalized AI for seamless conversations. Upload data, train AI agents, and get tailored insights with Llama Index and Sentence Transformer. Revolutionizing research, healthcare, and finance. Discover how pa.ai can accelerate your work!


                  LlamaIndexLlama 3Together AIZilliz

                  STour- HKKT Team

                  We aim to create an exciting new platform that expands opportunities for youth to engage with traditions, and encourages their participation in cultural activities, and simplifies the process of finding and learning about our nation's history and culture.


                  Llama 3

                  AI Driven Social Media Post Optimizer

                  App enhances your social media content by optimizing text posts with relevant tags and keywords, predicting engagement metrics, and analyzing image quality. Upload your post and image to receive tailored suggestions.

                  Llama League

                  Llama 3streamlit

                  Review SensAI

                  Review SensAI is a Chrome extension that analyzes and scores the sentiment of product reviews to help users make informed purchasing decisions.


                  Llama 3Together AIGemini AI
                  application badge


                  Mech-AI-Nic is a chatbot which assits car owner to diagnose problems with their car.

                  TEAM TU

                  streamlitLlama 3LlamaIndex

                  SocialSpark AI - Manage Your Online Presence

                  Our app aims to make the content creation much easier !

                  Data Wizards

                  application badge


                  AutoBuddy is an AI assistant for diagnosing vehicle issues. Enter your vehicle's make, model, year, and problem, and AutoBuddy provides detailed insights and solutions. It's your reliable partner for vehicle maintenance and repair guidance.

                  Top Gun

                  streamlitTogether AILlama 3LlamaIndex

                  Arabic Companion

                  Arabic Companion is an interactive and efficient chatbot designed for teaching Arabic. It provides a personalized learning experience, facilitating language mastery through dynamic and engaging interactions.


                  LlamaIndexLlama 3Together AILangChain
                  application badge

                  codementor AI V2

                  CodeMentor AI is an interactive coding platform powered by Codestral from Mistral AI, focusing on C++ language learning (Further enhanced for any application ).

                  Tech Titens

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AIZilliz

                  Second-Opinion Assistant

                  Second Opinion Assistant by Epoch Aid harnesses advanced AI to revolutionize legal support. It offers data-driven legal perspectives, empowering both the public and legal professionals with comprehensive insights via cutting-edge machine learning tools.

                  Epoch Aid

                  OpenAILlama 3LlamaIndexstreamlit
                  application badge


                  QUIZIT AI uses Groq Cloud and LLAMA3 to automate quiz creation and hosting. Convert text documents and PDFs into engaging quizzes with ease. Enjoy features like automatic grading and detailed analytics through an intuitive interface.


                  Llama 3Mistral AILangChain
                  application badge


                  FinanceBuddy leverages LLaMA3 in a Streamlit app to offer four interactive features: a Monthly Budget Planner for personalized advice, a Personal Finance Tutor with engaging lessons, a Test Your Knowledge quiz section, and Visualize Your Finances.


                  Llama 3Together AIstreamlit

                  Phitter AI Agent

                  Agent to fit dateset to distributions using Phitter python library and Llama 3


                  Llama 3LlamaIndex
                  application badge


                  A simplistic llama3-based AI recommendation chatbot for travelling lovers


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AI
                  application badge


                  Automated PDF Table Extraction: Extract tables from PDF reports using pdfplumber. Interactive Q&A: Ask questions about financial data and get AI-powered responses.

                  God of AI

                  streamlitLlama 3Together AI
                  application badge

                  Personalized Learning System

                  Personalized Learning System: An interactive web app that aids exam prep (SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL) with a dynamic dashboard, practice questions, resource links, and an AI chat tutor powered by TogetherAI's Llama3. Users can also fine-tune the model .


                  Llama 3Together AIstreamlit
                  application badge


                  Introducing CogniTutor: a web app enhancing personalized learning through interactive quizzes, a chatbot tutor, and an incentive system, powered by cutting-edge AI technology.

                  Mediterranean AI

                  LlamaIndexTogether AILlama 3OpenAIZilliz
                  application badge

                  AI-Powered Writing Assistant

                  An AI Writer's Assistant that guides writers by offering real-time suggestions, identifying contradictions, and providing literary references.

                  Llama Hash

                  Llama 3Gemini AITogether AI
                  application badge


                  Revolutionizing Code Transformation, Explanation, Error Detection, and Test Case Generation with CodeAI


                  Together AILlama 3

                  Webify - Enhanced Data Management with GraphRAG

                  Transform enterprise data with Webify. Utilizing GraphRAG and Llama-3, our user-friendly platform offers advanced graph data visualization, precise search results, and automated summaries, streamlining data-driven decision-making for enterprises.

                  Llamas in Pajamas

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AIGenerative Agents

                  SkillSync Analyzer

                  SkillSync Analyzer helps job seekers enhance their resumes, prepare for interviews, and identify skill gaps using AI. Submit your resume and job description, receive personalized feedback, interview questions, and upskilling recommendations via email.

                  Freestack Initiative

                  Together AILangChainMistral AIOpenAILlama 3
                  application badge


                  Dipllama is a web application enabling users to upload documents for interactive chatting or engaging quizzes.

                  summa llama

                  Llama 3LangChainVercelText Generation Web UIOpenAI
                  application badge

                  Basic Social

                  A simple social media platform designed for effortless user engagement and connectivity. It emphasizes simplicity in user on-boarding and interaction, allowing users to quickly share their thoughts and connect with others through AI-driven recommendations

                  Basic Social

                  streamlitTogether AILlama 3OpenAIChroma
                  application badge

                  What Do I Eat Today

                  A solution to the evergreen question, What do i eat today?

                  What Do I Cook

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AIAssistants API
                  application badge

                  Collaborative Summarizer

                  A web application built with Streamlit and powered by Llama 3 to provide text summarization capabilities. You can upload PDF files or input text directly to get a concise summary.

                  Llama legends

                  Llama 3
                  application badge


                  A legal assistant powered by Llama3, built with LlamaIndex enabling the user to query questions.


                  LlamaIndexLlama 3streamlit
                  application badge

                  Finvest AI - Where AI meets ROI

                  Finvest AI is your intelligent financial companion. Personalized investment advice and financial planning powered by AI. Make smarter financial decisions and achieve your goals with ease.


                  Together AILlama 3LlamaIndexstreamlit


                  "Utilize Cognitive AI agents to effectively save the world


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexGenerative Agents
                  application badge

                  Autism Care

                  Autism Care: An AI-powered platform using Lamma3 chatbot to help parents support children with autism. Offers pre-testing, expert guidance, and essential knowledge for effective care.

                  Sanctum A2

                  Together AILlama 3streamlitOpenAILangChain
                  application badge


                  BookWise provides chapter-wise summaries and flashcards to enhance comprehension, with text displayed in an ADHD-friendly manner to support focused and effective reading.


                  MongoDBLlama 3Together AI
                  application badge

                  Story Teller AI

                  Our hackathon project, built with Flask and React, utilizes the Llama3 AI language model to create an engaging storyteller for kids. This innovative platform generates captivating and personalized stories.


                  Llama 3AI/ML API

                  Doctor Management System

                  doctor's appointment system where you can book an appointment with a doctor and if you are a doctor you can make yourself available online.



                  AI Tic Tac Toe Solver

                  This project leverages the Llama 3 language model to determine the best moves in a game of Tic Tac Toe.

                  LLM Geeks

                  Llama 3LangChain
                  application badge


                  GlobeInsight: Your Personal Country Information Guru


                  streamlitLlama 3LlamaIndexTogether AI


                  Our AI chatbot, using the Llama3 model, helps university students navigate complex insurance documents. It supports both default and user-uploaded documents, providing accurate, document-based guidance, applicable in law, finance, and more.


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AI


                  AutoRecruit is an AI-powered application that streamlines hiring, enabling companies to recruit credible team members within 4 to 5 days, using advanced testing and evaluation powered by the Llama 3 model.


                  Llama 3
                  application badge

                  Future of Data Strategy - Simplified and Automated

                  Harness the power of AI with our simplified, automated data strategy generator. Tailored for entrepreneurs, it delivers a brief summary, a recommended plan and more to drive business growth and informed decision-making.


                  Llama 3Together AIVercel
                  application badge

                  ResuMate - Your AI Wingman for Job Hunting

                  ResuMate is an AI tool that helps job seekers craft personalized cover letters and answer job application questions by analyzing their LinkedIn, resume and job posting.

                  Llama riders

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AIstreamlit
                  application badge


                  This application analyzes social media posts to detect signs of mental health issues and provides insights. It uses LlamaIndex for semantic analysis and can integrate with social media platforms' APIs for data collection.


                  Llama 3
                  application badge

                  LLaMA Geniu

                  LLaMA Genius is an AI-powered research assistant designed to help users interact with and extract insights from various sources, including uploaded files and web content.

                  LLaMA Geniu

                  streamlitLlama 3
                  application badge


                  Pluto in a content-augmented business valuation agent that was built using Meta Llama 3.


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexstreamlit


                  galera.ai is a ai powered cloud storage service that focus on replacing traditional gallery and storage.


                  ChromaGemini AILlama 3

                  Tale Craft - Convert your imagination to animation

                  Transform your stories into engaging, animated visuals with our app, offering interactive content for education, creativity, and globalΒ audiences.

                  8bit Invaders

                  Llama 3Assistants APIDALLΒ·E Image Generation API
                  application badge


                  Travel chat assistant for planning trips, finding flights and available hotels


                  Llama 3Generative Agents


                  This Website allows the user to create their own websites, using AI-powered code generation. The goal of this project is to create a No-code Ai powered Web development tool.


                  Llama 3
                  application badge


                  LlamaFlow is a no-code solution leverages LlamaIndex to seamlessly integrate and query various documents. Users can upload files, input URLs, or manually enter queries to retrieve precise information. No technical knowledge needed!


                  LlamaIndexLlama 3Vercel

                  Vision Assist AI

                  Vision Assist AI leverages advanced AI to empower visually impaired individuals with real-time navigation, text recognition, and object identification. Enhancing independence and inclusivity, it transforms daily living and social participation.

                  Algorithm Alchemist

                  Together AILlama 3OpenAIAI/ML API

                  AI-Powered Project Idea Generator

                  A web app that uses LLaMA-3 to suggest innovative project ideas based on user-input topics.


                  Custom GPTs

                  SUMM AI

                  SummAI is an efficient assistant that quickly summarizes video content, extracting key points and providing concise summaries to save time and boost productivity.

                  Egivenvalue Team

                  Llama 3Whisper

                  HealthPulse AI

                  Combines health monitoring with AI, implying continuous health tracking.

                  AI Artisans

                  Llama 3
                  application badge

                  AI Meal Planner

                  The AI Meal Planner App simplifies meal planning with LLAMA 3 70B AI. It personalizes meal plans based on user inputs like age, height, weight, and gender. Each meal creatively fits caloric needs, tech-driven nutrition management with meal inspiration.

                  Empty Mindz

                  streamlitLlama 3

                  Doc String generator

                  The project generates standardized docstrings for Python functions by analyzing code and leveraging AI to ensure consistency and clarity in documentation. It processes files in a directory, extracts relevant test information.


                  Llama 3
                  application badge


                  A revolutionary study tool that utilizes the Llama3 Model to transcribe YouTube/personal videos into customizable notes for any subject


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexstreamlitMongoDB

                  Vanguard AI-Powered Email Security For Enterprise

                  Vanguard Llama 3 70B AI-powered is a Outlook add-in that analyzes emails for security threats in real-time. It provides fast feedback on email safety, explains potential risks. Enhance your email security with one-click AI analysis, right in Outlook 365.

                  Spike Intel

                  Llama 3OpenAI
                  application badge

                  Bespoke Solutions - DataWizard - Llama3 Data Asst

                  Generative AI data-science assistant for real-time analysis without advanced coding skills.

                  Bespoke Solutions

                  Llama 3streamlit
                  application badge

                  Insight Forge AI Assistant

                  A Document Processing and Analysis system using NLP and ML to analyze documents, generate insights, and identify patterns. It features a simple, intuitive UI with semantic search and vector database storage.

                  Pixel Pulse

                  LlamaIndexZillizTogether AILlama 3LangChain
                  application badge

                  Araycci - The AI Research Paper Assistant

                  Our Multilingual AI-powered Research Assistant uses the LLAMA3 LLM to streamline research paper management with clustering and interactive Q&A. It supports text and audio inputs/outputs, integrates with ArXiv, and breaks down language barriers.


                  Llama 3PineconeAI/ML APITogether AIstreamlit


                  ReviewNinja is a tool designed to help developers improve their code through comprehensive analysis, refactoring, and detailed review. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a team, ReviewNinja can help you write cleaner, more efficient code.

                  Team Elite

                  streamlitLlama 3

                  FinSav - real-time smart finance assistant

                  FinSav is a cutting-edge AI powered by advanced language models designed to answer all your finance-related questions. Whether you're looking for market trends, investment advice, or financial planning tips, FinSav is here to help.


                  Llama 3Together AILangChain
                  application badge

                  Business Analyst Assistant

                  This project leverages the Llama 3 model to transform Excel data through six steps, facilitating the work of Business Analysts (BAs).

                  Cat Astronaut

                  Llama 3streamlit
                  application badge

                  Insight Bot

                  InsightBot is an advanced chatbot leveraging FastAPI, LangChain, and Ollama Llama3 to deliver real-time, detailed company insights. Users can query various aspects such as ratings, sector, and reviews, enhancing decision-making with accurate information.

                  Catalyst Crew

                  streamlitLangChainLlama 3
                  application badge

                  Duck Murder Mystery

                  A Murder Mystery game where the villagers are ducks and a killer among them. Find the Killer as the detective, investigate the ducks and eliminate the killer. Can you find the fowl in the flock.


                  Llama 3Generative Agents
                  application badge

                  MULTI-MODAL RAG ChatBot - Better Visual Info

                  A Multi-Modal RAG application that enhances user trust by providing relevant information and matching images, reducing hallucinations in language models. Integrates static PDF & YouTube video data with plans for a dynamic, privacy-focused vector databases


                  streamlitLlama 3LangChainUnstructured IO

                  ezAGI easy Augmented Generative Intelligence

                  ezAGI Augmented Generative Intelligence for LLM integrating together, groq and openAI to generate continuous reasoning featuring memory storage with the ability to draw_conclusion using internal reasoning and logic to autonomously make_decision


                  AI/ML APITogether AIOpenAI


                  ReConnect is an AI product designed to provide mental health support to patients suffereing from Hikikomori syndrome. It offers empathetic, personalized interactions to bridge the gap between those in need and the support they require.


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AI
                  application badge


                  TruthGuard is an AI-powered fake news detection system leveraging advanced NLP and ML. It provides real-time, accurate analysis of news content, ensuring transparency and user-friendly verification to combat misinformation and restore public trust.

                  Truth Defenders

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexZillizTogether AIOpenAI

                  LIME - Libraries Integration Made Easy

                  Too tired of reading long API documentation and making errors here and there? There are too many things going on in API interfacing. Let the AI work its magic so you can sit back, relax, and be worry-free about complicated API integration.

                  Hola Amigo

                  Llama 3LlamaIndexZillizTogether AI

                  Smart Coder

                  Smart Coder is an an AI-powered assistant using Codestral to automate code reviews, generate intelligent snippets, create comprehensive test cases, and produce detailed documentation.

                  IT CELL

                  Llama 3


                  A time-managment application which prioritizes work life balance. Our goal is to achieve lagom, which means 'just the right amount'.


                  Text Generation Web UI
                  application badge

                  ArchViz Project Managemenet Chart Generator

                  Turn project ideas into visual plans! This AI tool uses chat to understand your project scenario and generates Gantt and PERT charts for scheduling. Edit the charts with prompts for real-time adjustments.

                  Quantum Codebreakers

                  OpenAILlamaIndexLlama 3Together AIstreamlit
                  application badge

                  Personalized Fitness and Diet Plan model

                  Develop an AI-powered tool that creates personalized workout routines and diet plans based on user-specific inputs to help achieve fitness goals effectively.


                  LlamaIndexGemini AI


                  Flashboi leverages AI technologies to generate personalized flashcards from any PDF, enhancing study efficiency and learning outcomes for students and professionals.

                  Alpaca 8b

                  LlamaIndexLlama 3Together AI

                  Over the Counter Medication AI Assistant

                  The LATOM Chatbot is a RAG model built upon LlamaIndex and Together AI to recommend quality Over-The-Counter medicine based on your symptoms and needs from a dataset provided by the Food and Drugs Administration.


                  Llama 3LlamaIndex

                  AI Shopping Assistant

                  A smart app that transforms online shopping. It uses advanced AI to understand your needs, suggest personalized solutions, and analyze reviews. Save time, make confident decisions, and find the perfect products effortlessly.


                  Llama 3LlamaIndexTogether AI
                  application badge


                  Quizone elevates digital learning with real-time quiz customization, AI-driven question creation via Llama 3, and detailed performance tracking. Developed in JavaFX and Java, it offers a powerful and intuitive assessment platform for educators.


                  Llama 3

                  dream wavers

                  Dream Weaver is an AI-powered business analyst platform that leverages advanced linguistic modeling to provide real-time insights, personalized recommendations, and seamless data integration, enhancing team performance and productivity.

                  Dream Weaver

                  Llama 3Mistral AI
                  application badge

                  Cat detector

                  Cat detector is a detector that can detect cat actions and warn the cat if there is some unexpected actions.

                  Insight Innovators
