Makers Tech Tree

Created by team Makers Tech Tree on March 07, 2024

After discovering MAS.863/4.140/6.9020 How To Make (almost) Anything, I found this course to be the fundamentals for anyone interested in learning how to make things. In this course, the instructors talk about everything from 3d modeling, to electronics, to material science and biology. As a person interested in science, I always wanted to build a resource that compounds information to be used generate insights, and i believe this is a proof of concept of it. The more people query into the system the more information the system will have. This system will thrive on the curiosity of makers. I see this system being potentially used with cloud laboratories and 3d printer farms. Ideally, using the information it gains to improve the pipeline, such as the quality of the text-to-3d model, and generated experiments.

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"many researcher will need that, refine the idea and add more features. complete your presentation to show your work. good luck"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"I would like to see more"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor