EasyFastAI - Redefining Customer Support with AI

Created by team EasyFastAI on July 04, 2024

Our mission is to transform customer support from a common pain point into a strong pillar of customer loyalty and satisfaction by providing: - Insights and continuously improve Leverage insights from our Analytics, Misunderstood and Sentiment Analysis to continuously improve your chatbot. - Chat in any language our engine automatically translates to 100+ languages out of the box so you can launch your chatbot globally. Don’t let language be a barrier to your organization’s ambitions. - One-Click Deploy to Any Channel don’t stop at one channel. One–click deploy across all our channels to meet your users where they are.

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"Great job with the product guys, i love the frontend UI. I think the product needed to be a little more creative and please keep the video under 5 minutes"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor