VC Pitch Simulation and Dashboard

Created by team VC Simulator on August 25, 2024

Angel Invesors, VCs, Startup Accelerators and Scouts Sift though large quantities of contexual data provided by startup seeking investment a very efficient process that can be optimized with GenAI. This solution is based on IBM's Prompt Lab structured input and output. The model is prompt with chuncks of texts from the provided pitch deck and instructed to extract specific data points based on given examples, the extracted data points are then integrated in the solution with the help of python to calculate the most important indicators for startup state such as Burn Rate, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Acquisition Cost, Market Size. The model iterates across a given "startup profile" format to ensure completion of data and to prompte the user for any missing details before creating a dashboard showcasing the calculated variables with reference to the source extracted. In an advanced version, RAG implementation with Semantic Search could make this solution more powerful. This business productivity solution saves a lot of time and effort for a niche market that has to sift through raw startup data. Furthermore, the solution could be developed into providing the same "investor dashboard" generated to the startup that uploaded it, allowing an interactive pitch simulation session and utilizing a RAG of embedded "startup knowledge base" to exact the startup pitch.

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