Granite Gurus Many Eyes

Created by team Granite Gurus on August 24, 2024

Granite Gurus Many Eyes is an extension of three previous Hackathons: Build Your AI Startup, Codestral, and Edge Runners. This Hackathon introduced two powerful principles: (1) Uniqueness and (2) Many Eyes, both of which were crucial in advancing the exploration of Multidimensional (MD) space. These principles were effectively demonstrated through a custom search engine built on top of IBM Granite, highlighting their transformative potential. The Principle of Uniqueness asserts that spatial points can be arranged in any configuration as long as the number of points remains constant and each point is unique. This principle underpins the 2D Infinite Plane, which aids in visualizing interactions in higher dimensions and emphasizes representing numeric values as symbols rather than numbers to reduce computational costs. The Principle of Many Eyes posits that knowing one aspect of a system allows for understanding the entire system, thanks to the symmetries in MD-space. Unlike traditional programming, where functions have a single input and output, MD-systems can yield multiple outputs from a single input by leveraging these symmetries. This was illustrated in our use of IBM Granite for pattern search, which returned multiple results due to MD-space symmetries, and then predicted the next pattern, showcasing the system's adaptability. Integrating IBM Granite with the 2D Infinite Mathematical solution creates a powerful combination that enhances search engine performance by reducing computational overhead, improving accuracy, and accelerating processing times. This approach not only offers a superior user experience but also aligns with sustainability and cost-saving goals, positioning the search engine as a leader in the AI-driven market. By optimizing resources and delivering faster, more accurate results, this project demonstrates the potential to revolutionize search technology, making it a valuable asset for businesses aiming to lead in the AI space.

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"Really cool project, i love how you used the tech here!"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"Good presentation with background music and demo. Use of IBM Granite confirmed in github code. Not sure what the problem is being solved, or how the generated pattern has any business value."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor