AW Wingman App - IBM WatsonxAI LLMs Hackathon 2024

Created by team Advanced Weather Wingman on August 26, 2024

Keeping global travel seamless to air travelers regardless of extreme weather conditions. Relaxed passengers, stress free airlines airport agents, and hotel agents. Passengers travel hassle-free even in bad winter weather conditions No head-ache for Airlines and Airline agents Overall smooth operating airport Happier people, happier countries, happier/friendlier world Leveraging IBM watsonx AI, Machine learning, Deep learning, especially IBM's Granite models(chat). There are many Advantages in using IBM's watsonx ai because it is not just many sets of LLMs, but IBM provides options to deploy the Machine learning models we generate on their IBM Cloud, allows integration of data from external sources, and much more.

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"The overall solution concept is good; integration of the music player feature was very nice."


Jo Ann Hill

"Good presentation video. I could not find any use of IBM LLM models in the code on github. Business value for travel assistance makes sense. Originality for using AI for dealing with travel-related issues while traveling, such as hotel bookings."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor