GhaGeni is developed using Web Assembly (WSAM) and Flutter. It incorporatesGoogle Cloud's large language model (Palm2 )for intelligent conversations. The user interface is designed for a seamless experience. GhaGeni utilizes a Redis database for efficient data management and prompt storage. The core idea behind GhaGeni is to provide users with a fresh perspective and help them overcome mental roadblocks by asking thought-provoking questions. It recognizes that individuals often struggle to remember crucial details or fully explore different angles when working on complex tasks. GhaGeni steps in to bridge that gap and facilitate a more fruitful and efficient problem-solving experience. When a user engages with GhaGeni, they begin by stating their objective or desired outcome. It could be anything from designing a website to planning a marketing campaign. GhaGeni then responds with a set of three questions related to the user's objective. These questions are carefully crafted to prompt the user to consider various aspects, explore different angles, and uncover hidden insights. As the user responds to each question, GhaGeni dynamically generates the next set of three questions based on their previous answers. This iterative process guides the user down a path of continuous discovery and exploration. The questions become increasingly tailored and specific to the user's unique needs, enabling them to dive deeper into their project and consider aspects they may have overlooked. Whether you're a professional working on a complex project, a student grappling with an academic task, or an individual looking for inspiration and guidance, GhaGeni is there to support you every step of the way. Embrace the power of interactive conversations and unlock your true genius with GhaGeni.
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Sai Sanjay Kottakota
Kaushik Gupta
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