application badge
Created by team Hiremax on February 22, 2025

HIRE-AI streamlines recruitment processes by using using AI to conduct 3 stages of the interview process: Resume Analysis->Uses OCR to analyse the resume based on its relevance to the job description set by the company ->To avoid ambiguity, hallucination and improper decision it works by grading each section of the resume against the job description like experience, relevant experience, education etc and then grade it by finding the weighted score of the resume to decide if the candidate is fit for the corresponding job description System design-> Simulate a real life system design interview using ibm speech-to-text to understand interviewee thought process to be able to nudge the interviewee in the right direction using RAG to bring up old system interview questions and the related next questions to understand the user thoughts and then quantify them Behavioral Analysis-> using AI and chain of thought to break down user answers to be able to quanitfy if interviewee has the spirit and the ideology required by the company This entire process is fair and transparent and clearly mentions the weightages and scores of the interviewees performance to promote fairness and truly eliminate bias. Also includes reasoning by the AI to explain why it determined a certain score to justify it's assessment

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