Gaia is an innovative web application designed to provide safety and support to women who find themselves alone in potentially risky situations. The app can chat using an AI to give the user the illusion of being in company, offering both emotional reassurance and a sense of security. In addition, Gaia can help users call emergency services instantly if they are in danger. The app also features a map that identifies the most dangerous areas based on real-time emergency call data, enabling users to avoid risky locations. This data-driven approach will also assist law enforcement in intelligently focusing their efforts on areas with higher safety concerns. We have worked just for London and we have got the data from their official website.
Category tags:Marina Maria Lucentini
Frontend developer
Ghulam Abbas
Obaid Ullah Safi
Zain Azhar
Muhammad Hamza Hassaan
Front End and ML developer
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"Very good idea! "
Gus Martins
Product Manager