Dogy walk generator

application badge
Created by team Dogy on March 25, 2024

GPT Dogy's walk generator addresses the challenge many dog owners face: the monotony of daily walks leading to boredom and a lack of creativity. By tailoring routes to a dog's age and energy level, and planning for enhancements like heat, pollution peaks, traffic, and specific regulations, Dogy ensures each walk is safe and unique. Recognizing that dogs often drag on the leash due to repetitive routes, Dogy integrates training exercises to stimulate and entertain, making walks more engaging for both the dog and owner. A more stimulated dog means less leash dragging. This innovative approach keeps walks interesting, promotes better leash behavior, and looks forward to incorporating environmental and urban considerations for optimal safety and enjoyment.

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"I am huge dog fun. If you actual make this a company i am gonna be your first partner "


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor

"this idea is really unique. you just need to implement it in the right place and start finding sponsor if you need one. or apply to accelerator as good luck"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor