LinguaPolis - Bridging Languages and Uniting Teams

Created by team AudioHacks on October 11, 2024

Today we have workforces spread across multiple countries, cultures, and languages. Online meetings have become a key part of how businesses operate. But there's a significant challenge: not everyone speaks the same language or communicates effectively in a common one like English. Accents, dialects, or simply varying levels of proficiency often make it difficult for teams to fully understand each other. This problem results in inefficiencies—important points are missed, and post-meeting emails or clarifications are needed, which undermines the very purpose of the meeting. Ultimately, this wastes time, reduces productivity, and slows down decision-making. Consider a typical online meeting scenario. For many, English may not be their first language. Some struggle to express their ideas clearly, while others have difficulty understanding certain accents or pronunciations. Often, by the end of the meeting, there’s a lack of clarity, and participants need to follow up with additional communications, re-explaining points or providing more instructions. Now imagine a scenario where each participant could simply speak in their native language, and everyone else could understand them perfectly—in real time, without the need for human translators or extensive subtitles. This is where our idea comes in: an AI-powered online meeting platform that provides real-time dubbing and multilingual transcription. Each participant can speak comfortably in their native language, and the platform instantly dubs their speech into the local languages of all other participants. Additionally, real-time text transcripts of the conversation are generated in each participant’s language, providing both auditory and visual clarity. At the end of the meeting, the platform even summarizes the discussion, producing meeting minutes in every participant's native language, ensuring that everyone walks away with a clear understanding of what was discussed and the decisions that were made.

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