EdgeWise-Offline AI Content Moderation

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Created by team The Game Changers on October 20, 2024

EdgeWise is an AI-driven content moderation solution designed specifically for educational platforms. Leveraging advanced AI models, our tool operates entirely offline on edge devices such as IoT devices, ensuring robust performance even in environments with limited or no internet access. The architecture of EdgeWise consists of several key components: Synthetic Data Generation: We use OpenAI's Meta-Llama-3.2-80B-Instruct-Turbo model to generate synthetic training data tailored to specific content moderation categories such as spam, inappropriate content, and misleading information. Fine-Tuned Model: The generated data is used to fine-tune the Phi model. This fine-tuned model is lightweight, optimized for edge devices, and includes specialized LoRA adapters for efficient inference. Edge Deployment: The fine-tuned model is deployed locally on devices using a Streamlit-based application. This application is designed to work entirely offline, providing real-time text categorization and content filtering without relying on external APIs or cloud services. Privacy and Security: By processing all data locally, EdgeWise ensures that user information remains private and secure. The architecture is robust, cost-effective, and highly customizable, allowing it to adapt to various educational environments and needs. This combination of advanced AI, local deployment, and a focus on privacy makes EdgeWise an ideal solution for creating safe, secure, and inclusive online learning environments globally.

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"Pretty good idea even though its reliance on specific large models and potential performance limitations on edge devices may need careful consideration"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor