🎯 Goal: Upgrade FDA.gov into dFDA - a decentralized platform that both automates clinical trials AND creates a living database of how everything affects human health. 🤖 The upgrade would transform FDA.gov to: Show you treatments ranked by real-world effectiveness for any condition Let you join trials instantly, get treatments delivered, report outcomes via phone Auto-schedule labs and track results Use AI to monitor safety and find patterns Anyone can share their diet, supplement, and health data AI analyzes the effects of every food, supplement, drug, and lifestyle factor Publishes real-time "outcome labels" showing how products change health baselines Learn exactly how combinations of foods/supplements affect specific conditions 💰 Benefits: Run automated clinical trials at 95% lower cost ($56M → $2.4M) Finally understand how everything we consume affects our health Make evidence-based health decisions using real-world data Companies can prove their products' actual health effects 🌐 Result: FDA.gov becomes the definitive source of truth about what works in human health, backed by continuous real-world evidence from millions of people.
Category tags:"really amazing idea, you find a big gap to fill with AI solution. this solution will revolutionize clinical trails. thank you, this will help many patients get healthy. you just need to change colors of website to more relieving one"
Walaa Nasr Elghitany
Lablab Head Judge
"Cool idea and i love the presentation. Solves a good problem. Well done"
Shebagi Mitra
Technical Mentor