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Created by team BuildSphere on November 16, 2023

"Propulsion: A Customized Co-Pilot for the AEC Industry" presents an innovative solution tailored for private organizations in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry. The AEC industry often grapples with the challenges of repetitive and tedious project matching and proposal writing, which significantly hinders its advancement. Additionally, the difficulty in efficiently navigating large corporate knowledge bases further impedes the support needed for crafting compelling proposals. Propulsion addresses these challenges head-on by offering a customizable co-pilot solution, specifically designed to enable companies within the AEC sector to leverage their existing project database, thereby accelerating the proposal process. At the core of Propulsion's offering is the integration of advanced technological solutions like Cohere’s Coral and Cohere’s Embeddings, along with Weaviate’s Vector Database. This powerful combination of tools provides unique insights, allowing users to tap into a wealth of information and data analytics. With Propulsion, companies in the AEC industry can streamline their proposal development process, ensuring a more efficient, accurate, and competitive approach to project bidding and execution. This solution not only saves time but also enhances the quality of proposals by offering tailored, data-driven insights. In essence, Propulsion revolutionizes how AEC companies approach project proposals, turning a traditionally cumbersome process into an innovative, data-backed, and efficient endeavour.

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