Zax Code Assistant

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Created by team Code Xappers on July 17, 2024

Zax is like a code buddy that utilizes Mistral’s AI API, Flask, Langchain, python on the backend, and HTML,CSS and Javascript to collaborate to provide you with an intuitive interface for the chatbot. Checkpoint backend working explanation When the user enters a prompt into the chatbot, and clicks the submit button, a checkpoint uses the query to understand and analyse whether or not the query is related to coding. This is done by effectively utilising the user prompt to generate the most accurate result, by mapping the query to a set of keywords. This implementation corrects the results and delivers the best coding practices and approach. - Document checkbox Upon checking the document code checkbox a pre-defined template is used to deliver the results in a structured and formatted manner for better user understanding and improved knowledge.

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"Fantastic work team! The new AI features are impressive and hold great potential for the future. I’m excited to see how these advancements will benefit developers everywhere. Keep it up!"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor

"Nice job, team! Zax Code Assistant can greatly benefit the developer community, especially newcomers who have many questions about writing software and debugging. The presentation was well put together, and the features are crystal clear. I can’t wait to see more from your team!"


Paulo Almeida

Grants Manager

"Great Job team! Looking forward to seeing more advanced AI features in the future."


Donald Nwokoro

Backend Developer