Slides Wizard

Created by team Slides Wizard on August 20, 2023

We spend significantly more time creating presentation slides as compared to the time we take to talk about them. Although AI can help generate the contents, it cannot generate the slides without external interfacing with any other tool. In the latter scenario, one needs to install third-party plugins or provide access with greater privileges to third-party tools. Slides Wizard aims to alleviate this problem. With Slides Wizard, users can generate a slide deck on any given topic. Based on the input description, an outline/content of the slides is generated. This free-form text is then converted into structured output, such as JSON, which helps in parsing. Finally, a PowerPoint slide deck is created for the user based on the previously structured data. In other words, with Slides Wizard, the user is in control of both content and software.

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"Great work. Keep working on it and try to make future plans come true. This idea although it is not new but it is still not well applied in business. With more work., it can succeed. Keep it up"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge