HireFit - AI-Enhanced CV Optimizer

Created by team Mixed Intelligence on September 15, 2024

Project Name: HireFit - AI-Enhanced CV Optimizer In today’s competitive job market, many candidates are unaware that their CVs are rejected by automated ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) before they even reach human recruiters. The main reason for these rejections is the lack of alignment between the CV content and the specific job description. To solve this challenge, we developed HireFit, an AI-powered tool designed to automatically analyze your CV and compare it to the job description, identifying missing information and generating an optimized version of the CV for the best possible ATS score. With HireFit, users simply upload their CV and the job description. The tool uses advanced AI models (like Meta-Llama-3.1) to evaluate the CV content and identify gaps based on the job's requirements. It then regenerates the CV, filling in the necessary details and matching it to the job description, creating a professional CV optimized for ATS. In addition to this, HireFit provides interview preparation notes that highlight areas the candidate should focus on based on the changes made to the CV. These notes offer valuable insights into the missing skills or experience the candidate needs to prepare for, helping them be fully ready for their interview. Users can download the updated CV and interview preparation notes in various formats (PDF, DOCX), allowing easy customization and further edits according to their needs. HireFit ensures that candidates no longer face the disappointment of automated rejections and can confidently apply for jobs knowing their CV stands a better chance of being noticed.

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"Commits from a long time ago"


Joel Pendleton


"Great idea but not clear how the ATS score is generated. That by itself is probably the most valuable part of the app"


Alex Reibman