Analyze It

application badge
Created by team Mega Agent on September 15, 2024

Analyze It takes data as input, cleans it, and generates analysis, including visualizations, to make it easy for the user to understand. The system runs on the underlying architecture of Crew AI, Llama 3.1, Streamlit, and Grok. There are two crews involved: the Engineering Crew and the Analysis Crew. The work of the analysis crew begins after the engineering crew's work, so a pipeline is established to streamline the process. The engineering crew performs data engineering, which involves cleaning the data through a series of tasks. The engineering crew consists of multiple agents, each responsible for a specific task and equipped with a set of tools. The available tools include tools for data observation (getting full data, getting data by column), formatting / type casting of columns (formatting to datetime, number, or typecasting to specific type), handling null values (removing nulls, replacing nulls, with mean, median, mode, or a specific value), cleaning bad data (removing or replacing bad data with correct value), and removing duplicates. The analysis crew is responsible for analyzing the data, creating explanatory plots, and presenting the findings to the user. Here is the breakdown of the steps that Analyze It takes to analyze your data: 1. User inserts data. 2. The pipeline starts working. 3. The Engineering crew members clean the data using the available tools. 4. After the data is clean, it is given to the analysis crew for analysis. 5. The analysis crew analyzes the data, creates plots to visualize the data trends and patterns, and explains the plots to the user. 6. A report is generated for the user to review.

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