AI to understand synthetic biology

Created by team bioAI on March 16, 2024

Synthetic biology is a new field where we apply principles of engineering to biology. It has been responsible for some radical new advances in biotechnology. Some researchers and companies have been applying AI principles to biology with stunning effect. We want help accelerate progress in synthetic biology by using AI. In this project, we are looking at student work for the final group project in the joint MIT Media Lab and Harvard Class, How To Grow Almost Anything ( This final project involves making mutants of a virus specific to E.coli, the MS2 phage. We asked Claude3 Opus to first mark all the student reports. We also asked Claude3 to design it's own experiments, based on the work of the students.

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"Great and valuable space. The use of GenAI could be more impactful considering the incredible opportunities in the space, but overall good work."


Luigi Pedace


"A really solid implementation of a really solid idea. I like the comparisons and the results that claude produced here. This lays a great foundation for academic usefulness of LLMs."


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor