90% of the healthcare system in Africa is not automated, with most of the providers and businesses using paper. We will intergrating Generative AI into Ohospital a mobile application for providers and businesses to automate how they offer services. The app phase one is done, working on phase two. The users will be using the app to automate services like reminders for patients with chronic diseases, doctor's appointment, healthcare insurance, and revenue for healthcare businesses. The app will act as an agent for healthcare businesses and providers, helping them offering the services effectively.
The AI-based mock interviewer project is designed to assist computer science students in preparing for technical interviews by simulating a realistic interview environment. The system uses the OpenAI API to dynamically generate interview questions based on user-selected topics and difficulty levels, primarily covering areas like Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) and Software Design. Future enhancements for the project include expanding the range of topics covered, providing more detailed feedback, training custom machine learning models for personalized evaluation, and integrating the system with popular learning and coding platforms for seamless practice sessions.