2 years of experience
Machine Learning Engineer with 2+ years of experience in Big Data world and Data Science. Worked with Post-Trade data and developed Supervised ML models in Fastweb and Borsa Italiana. Master’s Degree in Data Science and Economics from the University of Milan. Passionate about BigData and Machine Learning. I love traveling and taking care of my bonsai plants.
Develop a Web App to help the spreading of knowledge among children in underdeveloped countries and where there is no availability of teachers. The current prototype of Teacher AI can only speak about a selected topics. A possible second version will be a customization of the lessons (give to the headmaster the possibility to choose and plan the lesson not only weekly). Another improvement can be the ability to self create the subject syllabus (so develop a complete AI-Teacher AI). The Demo link below will show you a mute app, this because there is a problem of compatibility between pyttsx3 and streamlit server.
4 Mar 2023