YOLO AI technology page Top Builders

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YOLO (You Only Look Once) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection algorithm that can quickly detect and locate objects within an image or video. The YOLO architecture works by taking an input and separating it into a grid of cells and each of these cells is in charge of detecting objects within that region. YOLO returns the bounding boxes containing all the objects in the image and predicts the probability of an object being in each of the boxes and also predicts a class probability to help identify the type of object it is. YOLO is a highly effective object detection algorithm and making YOLO and open-source project led the community to make several improvements in such a limited time.

Relese date2015
AuthorJoseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, and Ali Farhadi
TypeObject detection algorithm

YOLO - Resources

Learn even more about YOLO!

  • v7 Labs Blog "YOLO: Algorithm for Object Detection Explained".
  • YOLOv5 Repository Object detection architectures and models pretrained on the COCO dataset.
  • YOLOv6 Web demo Gradio demo for YOLOv6 for object detection on videos.
  • Hugging Face Spaces Test YOLOv7 in the browser with Hugging Face Spaces.

YOLO AI technology page Hackathon projects

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*Real-Time Translation Project for the Promotion of African Culture and the Inclusion of Hearing Impaired and Blind People* ### Context and Objectives Africa, rich in linguistic and cultural diversity, faces challenges in interlingual communication and inclusion of people with disabilities. Our project aims to solve these problems by developing a real-time translation system. This system will facilitate exchanges between speakers of different African languages and allow hearing-impaired or blind people to communicate effectively in their local languages. ### Main Features #### Real-Time Voice Translation The system instantly captures and translates a user's speech into the speaker's language. #### Written Translation and Speech Synthesis Speech is converted to text and then translated into the target language. This text is then read aloud. #### Translation of Gestures into Sign Language Using cameras and computer vision algorithms, sign language gestures are interpreted, translated into text, and then into audio. ### Benefits and Impact Our system: - *Facilitates communication*: It eliminates language barriers, promoting intercultural exchanges in Africa. - *Includes disabled people*: It allows the hearing impaired and blind to communicate effectively. - *Promotes African culture*: It preserves and promotes local languages and cultural traditions. ### Conclusion This real-time translation project will strengthen social and cultural ties in Africa and ensure the inclusion of all, regardless of linguistic or sensory abilities. By promoting exchanges and promoting cultural diversity, our system will contribute to a more inclusive and connected future for the African continent.



The problem SkyDoc solves Patchy Connectivity: Limited or unreliable internet access in rural areas. No Doctor Available: A scarcity of medical professionals accessible to rural patients. No Healthcare Facilities: Lack of local healthcare infrastructure or clinics. No Awareness + Basic Knowledge: Limited health awareness and basic medical knowledge among rural populations. Instant Healthcare Features: Voice and Video Call Appointments: Connects rural patients with doctors via video calls. Seamlessly transitions to voice calls in areas with poor network connectivity. Supports communication in local languages. Disease Prediction Using ML: Utilizes Machine Learning for early detection and prediction of diseases. Analyzes patterns and factors contributing to disease onset. Enables proactive healthcare management and personalized care plans. WhatsApp and SMS Diagnostics: Offers health updates and diagnostic information via SMS and WhatsApp. Ensures continuous communication between healthcare providers and patients. Includes details about health status and future appointments. Healthcare AI Assistant: A chatbot that provides 24/7 health-related information and advice. Powered by advanced AI for accurate and swift responses. Enhances decision-making and access to health information. Education Center: Features educational videos on a variety of healthcare topics. Offers practical demonstrations and expert-led content. Aims to increase health awareness and proactive management among users.