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GET3D by Nvidia

Introduction to GET3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes

GET3D is a groundbreaking generative model designed by Nvidia. This technology synthesizes high-quality 3D textured shapes learned directly from images. It encompasses complex topologies and rich geometries, which can be directly consumed by 3D rendering engines.

Basic Theoretical Information

The GET3D model comprises the following key components:

  1. Generates 3D SDF & Texture Field: Two latent codes are utilized to create a 3D SDF and a texture field.
  2. Utilizes DMTet: The model uses DMTet to extract a 3D surface mesh from the SDF and retrieve the texture field's colors.
  3. Rasterization-Based Differentiable Renderer: It helps obtain RGB images and silhouettes using adversarial losses.
  4. End-to-End Trainable Model: With two 2D discriminators, the model classifies whether the inputs are real or fake.

Use Cases and Tips

GET3D is designed to generate a variety of textured 3D shapes, making it highly suitable for various industries.

Use Cases

  1. Virtual World Modeling: In sectors like gaming and VR, it generates textured meshes like cars, chairs, buildings, etc.
  2. Unsupervised Material Generation: Integrated with DIBR++, GET3D can produce view-dependent lighting effects.
  3. Text-Guided Shape Generation: Utilizing textual prompts, the model generates meaningful shapes.


  • Diverse Shapes Generation: Leverage GET3D for creating diverse shapes with complex topology and high-quality textures.
  • Disentanglement: GET3D efficiently disentangles geometry and texture, allowing unique control over shape creation.
  • Latent Code Interpolation: For smooth transitions between different shapes, use random walks in the latent space.

How-To Set Up Guide with Code Samples

Setting up GET3D requires careful preparation. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the necessary steps to prepare datasets, train the GET3D model, conduct inference, and evaluate the model's performance.

Preparing Datasets

GET3D is trained using a synthetic dataset. Rendering scripts for ShapeNet are provided, and instructions for downloading the ShapeNet dataset and rendering it can be found in the accompanying README file.

Training the Model

1. Cloning the Repository and Acquiring Necessary Files

The necessary code and files can be obtained from GitLab by executing the following commands:

git clone
cd GET3D; mkdir cache; cd cache

2. Model Training

Training the model involves the following steps:

  • Setting the working directory and environment variables:
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Training on the unified generator for cars, motorbikes, or chairs (improved generator details can be found in the Appendix):
python --outdir=PATH_TO_LOG --data=PATH_TO_RENDER_IMG --camera_path PATH_TO_RENDER_CAMERA --gpus=8 --batch=32 --gamma=40 --data_camera_mode shapenet_car  --dmtet_scale 1.0  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0
python --outdir=PATH_TO_LOG --data=PATH_TO_RENDER_IMG --camera_path PATH_TO_RENDER_CAMERA --gpus=8 --batch=32 --gamma=80 --data_camera_mode shapenet_motorbike  --dmtet_scale 1.0  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0

python --outdir=PATH_TO_LOG --data=PATH_TO_RENDER_IMG --camera_path PATH_TO_RENDER_CAMERA --gpus=8 --batch=32 --gamma=400 --data_camera_mode shapenet_chair  --dmtet_scale 0.8  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0

Three different commands can be used for training on different objects, and variations exist for training on separate generators, as described in the main figure of the paper.

  • Debugging the Model (Optional):
    To debug the model, the number of GPUs can be reduced to 1 and the batch size to 4 using the flags --gpus=1 --batch=4.


1. Visualization on a Pretrained Model

A pretrained model can be downloaded from the provided link for visualization. Inference can operate on a single GPU with 16 GB of memory:

python --outdir=save_inference_results/shapenet_car  --gpus=1 --batch=4 --gamma=40 --data_camera_mode shapenet_car  --dmtet_scale 1.0  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0 --inference_vis 1 --resume_pretrain MODEL_PATH
python --outdir=save_inference_results/shapenet_chair  --gpus=1 --batch=4 --gamma=40 --data_camera_mode shapenet_chair  --dmtet_scale 0.8  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0 --inference_vis 1 --resume_pretrain MODEL_PATH
python --outdir=save_inference_results/shapenet_motorbike  --gpus=1 --batch=4 --gamma=40 --data_camera_mode shapenet_motorbike  --dmtet_scale 1.0  --use_shapenet_split 1  --one_3d_generator 1  --fp32 0 --inference_vis 1 --resume_pretrain MODEL_PATH

Additional options can be added to the inference command to generate mesh with textures (--inference_to_generate_textured_mesh 1) or to generate results with latent code interpolation (--inference_save_interpolation 1).

Evaluation Metrics

1. Computing FID

To evaluate the model with the FID metric, add the option --inference_compute_fid 1 to the inference command.

2. Computing COV & MMD Scores for LFD & CD

First, generate 3D objects for evaluation by adding the option --inference_generate_geo 1 to the inference command. Then, follow the instructions in the README to compute the metrics.

The GET3D model by Nvidia opens up a new realm of possibilities in 3D shape generation. By understanding its theoretical underpinnings, real-world applications, and carefully following the setup guide, users can leverage this advanced tool for cutting-edge Point-E and 3D AI tasks. Visit the linked resources for more in-depth information and assistance.

GET3D AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with GET3D AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

La Vipère

La Vipère

Introduction: This innovative project emerges from a simple yet profound need experienced by myself four years ago—the desire to create personalized clothing. With a background in mathematics, computer engineering, and a passion for visual art and design, I sought to revolutionize the traditional process of creating custom clothing. The proposed platform leverages AI and advanced technologies to abstract and democratize the process of custom clothing creation. Key features include: AI-Driven Design Generation: Users can receive design recommendations or create their own designs, tailored to their preferences and measurements. AI-Enhanced Pattern Creation: Utilizing AI coupled with mathematical solvers, the platform generates accurate pattern pieces based on the user's body measurements. Laser Cutting Technology: To reduce manual effort and increase precision, pattern pieces are cut using laser cutters. Sustainable Local Assembly: Emphasizing a sustainable approach, the platform connects users with local sewists who assemble the garment pieces, supporting the local economy and reducing carbon footprint. User Flow: Users enter the platform and input their measurements. They receive design recommendations or customize their own design. Upon finalizing the design, users click "Order" to initiate the creation process. The backend system generates pattern pieces and assembly instructions, sources fabrics, and coordinates cutting and assembly through a network of available sewists.