Assetly AI

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Created by team Fetch AI on November 09, 2023

The proposed solution addresses the challenges in the financial industry, targeting Private Equity, Venture Capital, Capital Markets, Financial Advisors, and Independent Investors. Recognizing the lack of user-friendly tools for advisors to create customized portfolios efficiently, LLM introduces a portfolio management application. This innovative solution automates the arduous task of analyzing multiple annual/quarterly reports simultaneously. By leveraging advanced technology, the application streamlines portfolio customization based on risk and return evaluations. This not only simplifies the process for financial advisors but also enables them to efficiently manage a larger client base, overcoming the limitations of complex excel sheets and outdated CRMs.

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"The idea is interesting. I'd love to see it built out a bit more, where both financial advisors and their clients could access and ingesting the financial statements automatically. FYI, there is a crawler already that Vectara has written for importing financial data: . Tried the demo, but it didn't load"


Shane Connelly

Head of Product

"great idea. continue working on it"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge