Green Spark

Created by team Green Spark on March 07, 2024

Green Spark is A smart home system powered by artificial intelligence is a technology-driven system that detects hazards, monitors water consumptionA smart home system powered by artificial intelligence is a technology-driven system that detects hazards, monitors water consumption and leakage rates, measures electricity consumption, and provides recommendations for improvement. It utilizes advanced sensors and connected devices to gather data, which is then analyzed using AI techniques to identify patterns and potential issues. The AI is used to detect potential hazards such as water leaks or high leakage levels in pipes, providing instant notifications to users for necessary actions. The system also measures water consumption, offering reports and analytics on monthly usage and consumption patterns, enabling users to make more informed decisions about their water usage and achieve savings. Additionally, AI is used to measure electricity consumption in the home and analyze consumption patterns. The system can identify devices that consume excessive electricity and offer recommendations for improving energy efficiency.

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    Jumana Alwakeel