Accessible UI

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Created by team RohaBeCoding on July 14, 2024

In a world where 5.35 billion people are regular internet users—a number expected to rise to 7.9 billion within five years—an effective online presence is crucial for businesses. With 71% of businesses already having websites, the digital landscape is increasingly competitive. However, 95% of websites fail to meet proper contrast ratios, negatively affecting visually impaired users. Dyslexic individuals find 4.33 out of 10 websites problematic due to complex text and layouts. With 780 million dyslexic individuals, 450 million with arthritis, and 295 million with moderate to severe blindness, the need for accessible web design is clear. Beyond user experience, inaccessible websites pose legal risks, evidenced by over 200 web accessibility lawsuits in 2022. AccessibleUI addresses this by automatically identifying and fixing web accessibility issues based on WCAG standards. It directly modifies the code, saving time and allowing designers to focus on creativity. AccessibleUI creates inclusive designs, expands audience reach, improves SEO, reduces long-term development costs, enhances brand reputation, and mitigates legal risks. Future plans include understanding task context to automate drafting and changes, generating accessible designs, visualizing websites for various disabilities, and implementing a drag-and-drop feature that converts designs into code. AccessibleUI is poised to revolutionize web design, making it more inclusive and effective for businesses and users alike.

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