ReadAid AI Dyslexia and ADHD readability content

Created by team Alpha on July 14, 2024 is a LangFlow and StreamLit based app for Dyslexia & ADHD reader friendly content search, structuring and display. It uses Web Search, Agents and Prompt Engineering to generate content on a given topic with suitable language, structure, formatting and display to help Dyslexic and ADHD readers. It was developed for LangFlow hackathon by A LangFlow Custom Component was developed for Content Generation. It uses Tavily Search API combined with a LangChain ReAct Agent for web scrapping, reasoning and content collection. This Custom Component is helpful to be reused for other LangFlow projects too. Research was done on readability for Dyslexia & ADHD readers to make guidelines with many considerations for structuring, formatting and displaying the content. Prompt Engineering was done and those guidelines were used inside a GPT-4o Prompt that generates an HTML with suitable formatting. A StreamLit App was developed that takes the topic as user input and uses the LangFlow Flow's JSON in the Python code, to get the result HTML and displays it.

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