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Created by team AI The Era on August 25, 2024

ThinkQuest is an AI-powered Study Assistant implemented as a web application using Streamlit. It's designed to help students with coding, math, and science subjects by providing intelligent hints and guidance rather than direct answers. The application offers multiple input methods, including text, voice, image, and PDF uploads, making it versatile and accessible for various learning materials and scenarios. It utilizes advanced AI technology through the IBM Granite to generate context-aware responses, considering the chat history to provide more relevant and personalized assistance. The ThinkQuest has significant market value in the educational technology sector. As remote and digital learning continues to grow, tools that provide on-demand, intelligent tutoring are increasingly in demand. This application could be marketed to individual students, educational institutions, or integrated into existing e-learning platforms. Its ability to handle multiple input types makes it particularly valuable for students with different learning styles or those working with various resource formats. The application helps boost students' problem-solving skills in several ways. First, by providing hints and approaches rather than direct answers, it encourages students to think critically and work through problems on their own. This approach fosters independent learning and deeper understanding of concepts. Second, the context-aware responses, which consider previous interactions, allow for a more coherent and progressive learning experience, helping students build on their knowledge over time. Lastly, the application's specialization in coding, math, and science subjects addresses key areas where many students struggle with problem-solving, offering targeted support in these critical fields.

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"Pretty complete project, but a little basic. Some more advanced features would be nicer"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor