Mental Health Monitoring and Support App

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Created by team AI GameChanger on August 25, 2024

Develop an AI-driven app focused on mental health monitoring and support. The app could analyze users' daily inputs, mood logs, and activity patterns to provide insights and recommendations for improving mental well-being. Using natural language processing (NLP) from or Granite AI LLM, the app could offer real-time emotional analysis, detect signs of mental health issues, and suggest mindfulness activities, relaxation techniques, or even prompt users to seek professional help when necessary. Features: Mood Tracking and Analysis: Users log their mood, stress levels, and emotions daily. The app uses AI to analyze patterns and offer personalized insights. Daily Journal and Emotion Detection: Users write about their day, and the AI analyzes the text to detect emotions. The app provides feedback, suggesting ways to manage negative emotions. AI-Powered Recommendations: Based on user data, the app offers suggestions for relaxation techniques, meditation, or physical activity to improve mental health. Progress Tracking: A dashboard in Streamlit that shows users their mood patterns over time, with insights on improving well-being. Real-Time Alerts: The app detects when a user might be experiencing high stress or depression and sends alerts with helpful resources or encourages contacting a professional. Integration with Wearables: The app could connect with wearable devices to monitor physical activity, sleep patterns, and heart rate, correlating these with mental well-being.

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