Contract Analysis Assistant

Created by team GraniteByte on February 21, 2025

Contract Analysis Assistant is an AI-driven tool designed to streamline the process of reviewing legal contracts. Powered by IBM Granite, this assistant analyzes contract documents to identify potential risks, compliance issues, ambiguous terms, and key clauses that may impact legal and business decisions. Users can upload a PDF contract, and the AI will perform a detailed analysis, highlighting areas of concern such as legal pitfalls, operational risks, and clauses that may lead to disputes. The tool ensures faster contract reviews, reduces manual effort, and provides actionable insights to help legal teams and businesses make informed decisions. With an intuitive Streamlit-based interface, users can fine-tune AI settings like token limit, sampling parameters, and creativity levels to customize their analysis. Whether you are a lawyer, business owner, or compliance officer, the Contract Analysis Assistant simplifies complex contract analysis, making legal document review more efficient and accessible.

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