AI Travel Planner

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Created by team Team AIistics on March 25, 2024

Our project aims to revolutionize travel planning through the utilization of Google Generative AI (Gemini) to offer personalized recommendations. Users input their preferences, budget, and desired destinations via an intuitive interface. Gemini then processes this information to generate customized travel itineraries, including attractions, restaurants, and activities that align perfectly with the user's preferences and budget constraints. Our platform takes into account details such as the source, destination, travel start date, budget, and duration of the trip, providing users with a seamless and personalized travel planning experience. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we aim to simplify the process of trip planning and enhance the overall travel experience for our users.

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"amazing work. it looks you worked so hard to find all the features where all travelers needs. this app will satisfy their needs for sure. i hope to use to use it soon while traveling."


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor