Mind Mentor

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Created by team Mind Mentor on March 23, 2024

Mind Mentor is a groundbreaking platform leveraging AI technology to provide personalized mental health support. Users can upload images and descriptions of their mood or mental state, which are analyzed using advanced algorithms. The platform offers tailored advice, coping techniques, and curated resources to help users manage their mental well-being. With partnerships across mental health organizations, educational institutions, and employers, Mind Mentor aims to reach a broad audience and destigmatize mental health issues. Revenue streams include subscription models, premium features, and collaborations with corporate wellness programs. Mind Mentor is committed to fostering a supportive community and prioritizing mental well-being for all.

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"using your image to detect emotions is really brilliant. also with using text you can determine mental state. great work. continue working on your demo and try to add using a camera that will enhance your app or add video upload and use another ai for video analysis. wow you did a great app, try to get some feedbacks and let people use it"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"I love the idea. Your app is impressive so gather feedback and let people try it out"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor