Personally AI Shopper

Created by team AlienX on December 19, 2023 presents a modern AI based shopper solution, a cutting-edge digital personal shopper solution designed to revolutionize the connection between consumers and local businesses through the innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI). In response to the pressing challenges faced by small local businesses, Personally AI Shopper serves as a centralized hub, guiding businesses and consumers through a more efficient, personalized, and digitally visible shopping experience.'s Shopper is not just a digital personal shopper; it's a comprehensive solution that addresses the specific challenges faced by small local businesses. With its AI-driven chatbot, streamlined communication, and innovative financing model, Personally AI Shopper is poised to redefine the dynamics of local commerce, bringing businesses and consumers closer together in the digital age.

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"Lots of business value with providing personalized shopping recommendations. Also an impressive amount of work on the web scraping, extraction and geolocation. This felt like it was missing a real user interface to see it more concretely, but I felt like the tech was there. For eval, it would have been interesting to see more of the insights you gained from doing the evaluation. Perhaps I just didn't find it, but I didn't see any views of your evaluation results."


Josh Reini


"Amazing project that have very high business value. this idea will save many businesses. presentation is great. keep working on this project to make it real."


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge