Falcon BBR - Brainstorming buddy for Researchers

Created by team Falcon for Researchers on September 24, 2023

Researchers often read a long paper but are often stuck in INNOVATORS block. They need INSPIRATION and Falcon can help provide a CRAZY Idea. Sometimes LLM hallucination can help in providing the inspiration. This tool has index 16415 arxiv articles from August 2023 User has to input arxiv article ID - Tool would summarize the paper in few bullet points - Propose a CREATIVE next step for future research - Choose an ORTHOGONAL FIELD and proposes how the findings of the paper can be applied. In summary, this should help any researcher get INSPIRATION on to WHAT TO DO NEXT as innovation happens when DOTS are connected across orthogonal fields Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Raghavan1988/falcon-lablabai-hackathon-brainstorming-buddy-for-researchers

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