Polypharmic Risk Scoring for Precision Healthcare

Created by team Team Falcon on July 27, 2024

This new metric "Polypharmic risk Score " is a metric I am currently developing in an effort to be combined with the polygenic risk scores to provide a truly "Precision Healthcare" analysis. The polypharmic risk is that of over the counter medications taken over time and their potential tot introduce increased risks or adverse health implications. The solution is currently limited by the healthcare data hurdles I encountered and can be alleviated with proper access to such when provided to the model for analysis. To display the analystical use case for the FalconLLM model I used the AI71 API key and built that into the streamlit application. the application is currently limited to a set of common over the counter medications as well as common illnesses. This can be expanded with comprehensive medication related data as well as patient specific data to enhance the overall accuracy.

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