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Created by team Tech Wizards on July 30, 2023

NarrAItor simply cut to the chase of a final audio version of one book. Instead of finding and arranging a live recording for voice talents, publishers now can tailor their own voice for their audio version of a book. With just one click, a voice can be generated to match with all necessary features of a book such as: Name/Title, Release date, Author, Genre, Summary/Plot, Number of words, Length, Main character, Rating. We apply two solutions to this service: either a rule-based one or embedding one. This service undoubtfully diminishes excessive cost to operate for publishers when they want to diversify themselves in the publishing field, while in the future lets the clients of all walks of life to make their own decision for their voice favor.

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"Love the concept and the MVP. This could essentially create and audio book ecosystem on autopilot if I understood the entire product correctly. It's really clean and has a simple implementation for a creative idea. I look forward to the things you guys will do with the technology."


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"I like the concept! The presentation is really clear, to the point, and explains the product as well as the business plan."


Chinmay Jog

Machine Learning Engineer