
Created by team Talk2Love on July 31, 2023

Talk2Love is an app that uses voice cloning technology to allow users to talk to their loved ones even when they are not physically present. The app can be used to create personalized messages, stories, or even just have a conversation with a loved one. Talk2Love is a valuable tool for people who are separated from their loved ones, and it has the potential to make a real difference in their lives. The app works by first cloning the user's voice. This is done using elevenlab, which allows the app to learn the unique characteristics of the user's voice. Once the voice is cloned, the app can then be used to generate new audio recordings using openai gpt and elevenlab. These recordings can be used to create personalized messages, stories, or even just have a conversation with the loved one.

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"Remarkable problem-solving skills! I like this focus on using AI to build connections and you're solving an important issue. For further improvement, I would like to see how you can convince people to pay for your product and how you can differentiate from other AI platforms by leveraging technology. Keep going!"


Iris Guo