"EduWise is an advanced AI Voice-Enabled Virtual Assistant designed to redefine the e-learning experience. Utilizing the cutting-edge AI technology, this platform aims to cater to students who crave a more personalized, immersive, and interactive learning environment. EduWise is more than just a chatbot. It not only enables conversational interactions but also provides insightful course recommendations. Its proprietary recommendation system analyses key parameters, such as past student enrollments, course assignments, teacher ratings, and teaching experience, to suggest the most relevant courses, subjects, or teachers based on the student's personal data and interests. The problem EduWise addresses is the lack of personalized guidance in e-learning platforms, often leading to suboptimal course selections and learning experiences. With EduWise, we are bringing the concept of personalized mentorship to e-learning, thus enhancing the engagement and effectiveness of online education. Targeting students and lifelong learners worldwide, EduWise's innovative features help users make informed decisions and streamline their learning paths. EduWise is more than a tool; it's your personal academic advisor, tutor, and guide rolled into one intelligent platform."
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Muhammad Ibrahim Laeeq
AI Engineer
Inderjeet Saini
Maaz Imam
Preetham Dey
"Good Presentation, well documented with proper referencing from valid sources but idea could have even more impressive if it was deployed somewhere online and not running locally. Also try to add details within the Readme file on the Github repository so that it could explain us the main components of the prototype. Moreover, just a suggestion try to add figures while describing the revenue model although it gave us a basic idea. I would love to try it out myself whenever it is launched. Great Work! "
Muhammad Inaamullah
ML Engineer
"Great job, team! EduWise is an excellent tool that will undoubtedly help numerous developers and students enhance their knowledge about technology and become better engineers. Good luck with your project!"
Paulo Almeida
Grants Manager
"Remarkable problem-solving skills! I like this focus on education and you're solving an important issue. For further improvement, I would like to see how you can have a sustainable business model with this idea and how you can differentiate from other course recommendation platforms by leveraging technology. Keep going!"
Iris Guo