AI English Tutor

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Created by team AI Tutor on July 31, 2023

This project aims to create an engaging AI English Tutor, combining the state-of-the-art natural language processing capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo model with ElevenLabs's high-quality text-to-speech technology, all presented in an intuitive, accessible Streamlit interface. The tutor offers efficient learning methods to enhance English fluency, correcting users' English sentences and initiating dialogues for practice. Through the OpenAI's model, the tutor generates real-time responses to user queries and provides corrections to improve English skills. It then uses ElevenLabs's technology to generate audio responses, providing auditory reinforcement to the learning experience. The project is implemented as a Streamlit application, providing a web-based front-end that allows users to easily interact with the AI tutor. The application requests English sentences from the user, processes them with GPT-3.5-Turbo, and vocalizes the responses using ElevenLabs's API. Users have the ability to select different voices for the output, enhancing the personalized learning experience. In terms of deployment, the application uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD, allowing for continuous updates and seamless deployment. API keys are securely stored as GitHub Secrets, maintaining the security of sensitive data. Overall, this project serves as a showcase of how AI technologies can be integrated to create a comprehensive learning tool, and how they can be made accessible through intuitive user interfaces.

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"Remarkable problem-solving skills! I like this focus on education and you're solving an important issue. For further improvement, I would like to see how you can have a sustainable business model with this idea and how you can differentiate from other English learning platforms by leveraging technology. Keep going!"


Iris Guo

"AI everywhere, either for generating cover image, crafting the video presentation or building an AI system to improve our English grammar. I loved the approach. The Readme file in the Github repository is well documented highlighting every step of the code which highlights the quality of a good, and organised developer. Plus the quality of presentation is amazing! However, there were a few flaws as well. While testing the application, I could see the response in textual form but the audio version was not generated. Additionally, within the presentation (video or slides in pdf), I couldn't find any market analysis or revenue model which could gives me the insights from the business perspective. Apart from that flaws, every thing was spot on and I loved the approach which leverages AI to help us improve our ENglish in easiet manner possible. Well Done! "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer