
Created by team Adpersent on August 01, 2023

Adpresent is a two step one click video creation platform (text to video) that allows you to create professional-looking videos and presentations with just on clicks. The platform is for short videos and a bit long presentation 1 to 5 minutes Our aim is to automate the whole creation process from ideation to script Adpresent is perfect for businesses, marketers, and anyone who wants to create engaging and visually appealing videos or presentations. It's also a great tool for people who don't have the time or skills to create videos or presentations themselves. Make it better by adding details like how we use leven lans api to add voice to each video and openai to design the video and, content and script Adpresent uses the Leven Labs API to add voice to each video, and OpenAI to design the video, content, and script. This means that you can create videos and presentations that are both professional-looking and engaging, without having to do any of the hard work yourself. Here are some additional benefits of using Adpresent: You can save time and money by not having to hire a video editor or designer. You can create videos and presentations that are tailored to your specific needs. You can easily make short videos for your brand If you're interested in learning more about Adpresent, you can visit their website or sign up for a free trial. Here are some examples of how Adpresent can be used: You can create marketing videos to promote your products or services. You can create training videos to teach your employees new skills. You can create sales presentations to pitch your products or services to potential customers. You can create educational videos to teach your audience about a particular topic. You can create explainer videos to help your audience understand how your product or service works. No matter what your needs are, Adpresent can help you create professional-looking videos and presentations that will engage your audience.

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"I see a lot potential for this project rivaling with other competitors like Canva, etc. I would love to see what this app has to offer in the near future. Good Work, and not to mention the app run smoothly. "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer

"First of all, I want to congratulate you on creating Adpresent, a two-step one-click video creation platform that allows you to create professional-looking videos and presentations with just one click. This is a very impressive and innovative project that uses the ElevenLabs API and OpenAI to automate the whole creation process from ideation to script. I think Adpresent has a lot of potential and applicability in various markets and use cases from saving time and money by not having to hire a video editor or designer, creating videos and presentations that are tailored to your specific needs and goals, easily making short videos for your brand, marketing, training, sales, education, or explanation purposes. I also have some suggestions for improvement that you might want to consider: - You could add more customization options for the users, such as choosing the voice, tone, style, music, and graphics of their videos and presentations. - You could improve the quality and accuracy of the video, content, and script generation by using more advanced natural language processing and computer vision techniques. - You could provide more examples of how Adpresent can be used in different scenarios and industries on your website or in your pitch. Overall, I think Adpresent is a very promising and creative project that solves a real problem and provides a valuable service. I wish you all the best in the hackathon and in your future endeavors. Thank you for your participation."


Ndim Donald

NoCode Entrepreneur