Codestral Hackathon: 24 Hours Challenge

Create your product using Codestral, Mistral's first-ever open-weight generative AI model for code generation.

πŸ•’ 24 hours to complete the challenge.

πŸ’‘ Implement any idea that uses Codestral at its core.

🀝 Take part alone or form a team with other participants.

πŸ† Win an opportunity to participate in LabLab NEXT acceleration program

Codestral Hackathon: 24 Hours Challenge event thumbnail
About Mixtral Codestral
Twelve Labs - Innovate Now

Discover the Power of Codestral

Transformative Code Generation with Mistral AI

β€’ Multilingual Expertise:

  •   β€’ Supports 80+ programming languages, including Python, Java, and SQL.

β€’ Fast and Efficient:

  •   β€’ Leverages a 22B parameter model for superior performance.

  •   β€’ Outperforms in HumanEval and RepoBench benchmarks.

β€’ High Performance:

  •   β€’ Excels in fill-in-the-middle tasks.

  •   β€’ Enhanced long-range repository-level code completion.

Ideal for advanced code generation and developer productivity.

Hackathon Challenge

Unlock the Potential of Codestral


Create an application that utilizes Codestral's powerful code generation across more than 80 programming languages such as Python, Java, and SQL.

Project Goal:

β€’ Address a practical, real-world problem with creative coding solutions.

β€’ Enhance developer productivity and code quality, with measurable improvements.

Disclaimer: Please note that we do not offer access to any technology, so participants should use publicly available tools and resources.

Codestral Technology

Codestral is Mistral's first-ever open-weight generative AI model for code generation. It helps developers write and interact with code. This model can be used to design advanced AI applications for software developers.

Codestral's abilities include:

  •   β€’ Efficient code generation tasks.

  •   β€’ Mastery in both code and English.

  •  β€’ Supports developers in creating advanced AI applications.

 The useful resources:


πŸ† A fast-track to your interview for the Lablab NEXT acceleration program.

Please be aware that participation in hackathons is voluntary and subject to the specific rules and conditions outlined for each event. While we strive to provide a fair and rewarding experience for all participants, we cannot guarantee entry or success in securing prizes. All prizes and opportunities are subject to availability and participants must meet the established criteria to qualify. is not responsible nor held liable for any commitments or offers - including programs, giveaways, or prizes - made by third-party sponsors or partners of the hackathon. The availability and delivery of third-party prizes or benefits are solely at the discretion of the respective sponsors and are not guaranteed by We reserve the right to make amendments, modifications, or cancellations to any part of the hackathon (including full cancellation of the event itself), including prizes and terms of participation, at our sole discretion. Whenever possible, we will endeavor to notify participants of significant changes within a reasonable timeframe. All submissions by participants must be original work, open source, and compliant with the MIT License unless specified otherwise. By participating, you agree to these terms, the overall event terms, and the general terms and are encouraged to review all event-related information carefully. Prize Distribution: and its partners reserve the right to distribute all prizes within a 90-day period following the end date of the hackathon. This period allows for the proper processing and verification needed to award prizes appropriately.
Judging Criteria
Application of Technology
How effectively the chosen model(s) are integrated into the solution.
The clarity and effectiveness of the project presentation.
Business Value
The potential impact and practical value of the solution.
Uniqueness and creativity in addressing the challenge.

Hackathon Details

Join hackathon and innovate using the latest models in the market. Discover all the relevant details below.

πŸ—“οΈ Where and when

The start date of the hackathon is mentioned according to the date specified on the hackathon page, cover and schedule. The hackathon will take place on the platform and Discord server.

πŸ¦ΈπŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ Who can join?

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of previous AI or coding experience! We encourage anyone with a passion for AI or an interest in exploring how it can be used in their field to join.

πŸ˜… What about teams?

If you don't have a team, don't worry! You can connect with other participants from all over the world on our dashboard or Discord server. We also recommend checking out our Discord server to find teammates and bounce around ideas. You can join the server here.

πŸ› οΈ How to participate

The hackathon will take place online on platform and Discord Server. Please register for both in order to participate. To participate click the "Enroll" button at the bottom of the page and read our Hackathon Guidelines and Getting Started Guide.

🧠 Get prepared / Use to Learn About AI

To get ready for the hackathon, visit our AI Tech pages and read up on all the available technologies. You can also check out our tutorials page for more information on how to use them. Get a head start on your project by using the resources on!

Event Schedule

  • To be announced