Patrick the Yoruba Teacher

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Created by team otterbro on May 16, 2024

A conversational bot built on top of the Google AI Studio tech stack that is capable of both regular text interaction and image upload with caption generation, the bot is specifically designed for the purpose of language education, translation, transmission, and conversation. At the moment it has only one persona and is only capable of one language, more specifically Yoruba. We plan to expand the functionality of the bot in the upcoming versions by including more languages, adding more personas (even the possibility of customizing ones), improving the interface, as well as creating more ways of interacting with the bot.

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"it is great application with good use of technology. just include all missing items in your ppt and it will be perfect. excellent work"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"Well this is only just two models plugged into one product, it isn't really a multimodal model"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"Outstanding effort! Simply ensure all the omitted elements are incorporated into your presentation and it will be flawless"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor