Simulation AI

Created by team North American AI Hackers on May 03, 2024

In an increasingly uncertain world, the ability to anticipate and prepare for potential future events has never been more crucial. Users can input hypothetical situations—ranging from geopolitical conflicts to natural disasters—and our tool generates detailed documents describing what the world would look like afterwards. These simulations are extremely valuable to policymakers, researchers, and the general public, who are part of a growing market focused on disaster preparedness and strategic foresight. Our solution not only forecasts scenarios but also organizes the resulting data into a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) database. This setup enables an LLM agent to interactively answer queries, and deep insights in order to aid in response strategies.

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"I appreciate the clear approach of your product and it seems well executed for tackling potential situations. The concept of the predictions it offers is intriguing too"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor

"i really like the imaginative idea and how you used technology for it. as for risk mitigations in every industry, this will help a lot. how you approach it is very brilliant to have a look into future. work more on your demo to let people try it, it will be fun. try to choose a niche for more success. good luck"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"I like the straightforwardness of the product and it looks like a solid implementation to answer some hypothetical scenarios. I like the idea as well of what kind of predictions it will come up with. But in terms of business value it could need a little more working. Great job team"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor