YouTurbio - Video analysis and Evaluation

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Created by team Kibernum USA on May 03, 2024

YouTurbio allows you to analyze videos with Video Citations, and evaluate different tasks and metrics: We use LlamaIndex + GPT-4 for chunks classification leveraging function calling MongoDB as vector Database Cohere as QA LLM This tool helps you understanding the mood of a video, and directly linking to the information source. You can use any topic categories you want, and then ask questions about the video content, or the classified topics. After you finish, you can take a look at the TruLens evaluation, to make adjustments and improve the quality of your system!. TruLens Leaderboard: QA: Evaluates Cohere's performance answering questions Classify: Evaluates GPT's performance classifying video transcript chunks

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"really amazing idea, and great hard work. your demo is perfectly working well. this will hit the market with success. good luck"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"Absolutely brilliant idea! Your demo is flawlessly executed and it's clear you've put in a lot of hard work"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor

"YouTurbio is a very useful tool for analyzing videos. Your project uses new technology well to make understanding videos easier. Your code is clean and organized, which is very good."


Donald Nwokoro

Backend Developer