
application badge
Created by team Araki on October 09, 2023

a little introduction, we’re a group of college friends trying to develop a solution for the education sector. Our product aims to be a teaching assistant for k-12 (initial ideation was for an Indian market) where the product is an assistive platform where the student has access to the study material or video along with the chatbot trained on the said material which is able to solve the doubts of the students as they are reading/watching the tutorial. So that the it encourages them to not steer too far off from the topic they’re studying in search of resources and doubt clearing. benefits : lesser distraction, easier doubt clearing via a built in chat, can be implemented with pre-existing course. some more ideas down the line : maybe we can find a method to implement effective study methods which the user can choose from for better recollection of data. (needs to thought out more), should be able to give the user generated quizzes based on the text helping them memorise things better.

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"it is great idea but needs more refining, adding more features to be unique and have different user experience from other similar app. you need much work on presentation to show how hard you worked for it. your demo needs more work to reach MVP level and be able to see its answers and assess it. keep up the hard work. this project has high business value and deserve to complete working on it"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"The idea needs a lot of work to be done to reach the MVP level. It includes a proper business model, pricing plans, market traction and target audience. Moreover, on the tech side, there is a lot of work to be done. Plus the submission for the hackathon was incomplete because as per submission guidelines a public GitHub repository is mandatory. The idea has a lot of potential, looking forward to this idea in action. Wishing you all the best! "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer