Shop and Save AI by Team Falcon

Created by team Falcon on September 14, 2024

When looking to buy an Online, How tedious is it to Open-10-tabs and Spend Hours comparing Various Options from Different Platforms In Search for a better Price. And Good luck trying to track prices for your Entire Shopping List. If Only There was a Way to Automate this with AI. Introducing " Shop & Save AI " an AI enhanced Shopping Assistant that does all the work for you! Interact with our AI through an all familiar Whatsapp Interface. Just tell our Assistant what you are looking for and at What Price. The Assistant will do all the Market Research & Price Tracking for you. Saving you Hours of Searching & Tracking Live Offer Prices for you! For your entire Shopping List, Alerting you through Whatsapp, so you never miss another Offer or Flash Sale. With an Admin Dashboard we have created, We are able to quantify our impact, and keep track of the Total Users, Total Money Saved and Most Popular Items Searched and Perform Data Analysis, to further Improve Our Service, Also Allowing us to Expand, Commercialise and Collaborate with industry leading E-commerce platforms, such as Amazon and Ebay.

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"“I really like this project and the problem you’re tackling—solving the ‘million tab’ issue with shopping is a great problem space, and I can relate to it myself. However, I’m concerned that the solution doesn’t clearly show how it actually solves the problem. In some ways, it might make things more complex by requiring users to chat with the interface, which doesn’t immediately explain how it handles price negotiations or delivers useful results. The dashboard looks cool, and as a storefront management service, it makes sense. But it wasn’t clear in the demo how this improves the user experience compared to just using multiple tabs. I would have liked to see more explanation or comparison on how this is faster or better, like A/B testing against the ‘million tabs’ method. Overall, a solid project, but it needs more clarity on how it’s a significant improvement over current solutions"


Alex Reibman