Jamie 2 point 0

Created by team Jamie 2dot0 on January 10, 2024

Mobile Version of Jamie 1: https://lablab.ai/event/gemini-ai-hackathon/jamie The user experience more suitable for target Audience Non : Tech Savy people / My mom. * App reachable on your phone with 1 click * UI iterated upon about 5 times. Tested the UI on my mom a couple times. A simple button seems most effective. Inserting images was overkill in terms of UI from Jamie 1.0 * Audio Input, Output * Implements Bard (PALM API 2) for responses. Made a basic version with just audio input and output voice assistant. That we can now work on further to provide better answers according to use cases e.g. navigation, product usage (tv, microwave, etc). Next we want to improve the responses with more accurate and shorter answers. This may involve web scraping data ourselves.

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