Augment Any Thing

Created by team Augment Any Thing on August 14, 2023

Augment your data with ease. With Augment Any Thing, you can leverage 3D modeling technology during your augmentation process of your image dataset. No more tedious and time-consuming steps to create diverse and realistic data. Just upload one of your labeled images from the dataset. Augment Any Thing will generate a 3D Model of every target object/instance, then it will output multiple images of the object from many different angles. You will then be able to download these images and add them to your dataset for augmentation purposes. This can help to balance and improve the robustness and generalization ability of the models. Try it today and see the difference in your machine learning models.

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"Nice project idea! It would have been great to witness presentation with your voice delving into the business value and exploring more the problem and the solution! Other than, good job!"


Skander Karoui

Data Science and AI enthusiast || ICT Engineer

"it is a great idea. i face this problem many times in my work i didn't think of that solution before. this should be tried and validated and se how it will affect results of ML models. an idea out of the box. "


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"This product has the capability to revolutionize the data pipelines of all machine learning models, particularly once there are notable enhancements in the quality of 3D AI models. The technological aspects, such as background removal, introduce complexity into the equation. Expanding the presentation to include more intricate details about the business, such as a thorough competitive analysis and an exploration of the current monetary landscape of the data market, would have been beneficial. Your comprehensive consideration of the issue is evident through the technology itself and the future roadmap, which encompasses API integration and dataset management tools. Although I encountered difficulties with the application demo due to image upload errors, I was able to review the GitHub code and obtain a reasonable understanding of the outputs. The ingenuity and business potential inherent in these innovative data augmentation approaches are truly extraordinary. "


Meghana Reddy Guduru

Computer Vision Engineer